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  • (just now)Msg sent and unread by recipient 6", Cut, Versatile, Safe Sex Only, HIV Negative. Prefer meeting at: Your Place. ---- Out of matching sequences --- you should change this considering you are connecting for raw sex right?
  • (just now)Msg sent and unread by recipient Have you tried to google search [ RawSex4UHumnNeed ] -- a unique identifier. Please do so now and then determine if you want to continue to share cyber life unto our real life back into cyber life. They are one in the same. If you can understand that.... we can proceed and we might have some fun building upward trust instead of downward eroding distractions and disruptions in our relationships.
  • (1 min ago) Try is a non-inspiring term that I can say qualifies as from my perspective as thinking like an addict. :) If you want to get high. Now we can start with a plan on making such an intention real. for you, for me, and for us sharing time.

    What do you want to do? We are all intelligent wise or I don't want to know you. You are dangerous in your thinking to be left outside in the dust of knowing where all things are headed....... including

    Sex With Robots and Artificial Intelligence. technology advancements.
  • (2 mins ago) Unread K so would you be down to kick it
  • (5 mins ago) Now I am back to you directly. That is from the article.
    ------- :)
  • (5 mins ago) K
  • (5 mins ago) So what? As Maia Szalavitz noted, these were normal subjects, so what did these brain images prove? And, as Ilse Thompson and I pointed out in Recover! Stop Thinking Like an Addict, measurable dopamine and fMRI responses are produced by every notable human experience, including seeing a baby smile.

    So what?

    Maia goes on to cite statistics from the 2012 National Survey of Drug Use and Health, in which fewer than one percent of Americans have a serious marijuana problem, although 48 percent have used marijuana in their lives. Why, that's less than two percent of everyone who has ever used the drug who abuse or are addicted to the substance currently.

    That is so unlike dangerous drugs to which everyone rapidly becomes permanently addicted!
  • (7 mins ago) Here are the lifetime use figures for heroin (2.6 percent), cocaine (18 percent), crack (5 percent), and meth (6 percent):

    Here are the current abusers/addicts with these drugs: heroin (0.1 percent), cocaine (0.4 percent), crack (not listed), meth (only stimulants listed = 0.2 percent). So, for heroin, that's four percent of ever users who are addicted, and for cocaine about the same as for marijuana (around 2 percent). While meth and crack can't be calculated, the figure is clearly a small minority (less than 10 percent).
  • (8 mins ago) Here is the application quotes:

    Carl shows that the supposedly inevitable negative effects of methamphetamines are overstated—as is obvious from their sharing a chemical structure with Adderall. As for crack, Carl describes in High Price his upbringing in a Miami ghetto prior to the crack epidemic—and how the drug had no substantial effect on the social pathology that predated the drug's appearance.

    My argument in Love and Addiction was that people form extremely pathological involvements with a large number of powerful experiences (love and sex being the most prominent examples, but also including gambling, electronic games, eating, et al.). I (and co-author Archie Brodsky) meant by pointing this out that drugs did not have the special quality of "addictiveness." But, instead of recognizing this commonality between things we all know about and drug experiences, advocates for sex and love addiction (e.g., Benoit Denizet-Lewis) affixed the standard 12-step, loss-of-control meme to these other addictions. Rather than normalizing drug experiences, they pathologized non-drug experiences.

    By and large, people don't accept Bruce's, Carl's, and my idea that drug responses fall in the range of normal human experiences, or my idea of the equivalency of drug and behavioral addictions (which is now the American Psychiatric Association's official position). (Please don't answer, "You don't mean physiologically addictive." See The Meaning of Addiction.) Americans carry too much cultural baggage to allow those ideas in. Instead, we think drugs—especially narcotics, and most especially heroin, followed by cocaine, crack and meth—are "truly" addictive.
  • (10 mins ago) No i have not
  • (11 mins ago) ah --- trying and wanting are two different things.

    Now I can have a normal flow of conversation to your intentions. :) ah ha -- now.

    Knowing that wanting is not needing. right ?

    Have you ever read --- Psychology Today, Normalizing Drug Use -- April 2014 ??
  • (14 mins ago) Wanting to
  • (25 mins ago) I am not trying, I am doing. And you?
  • (26 mins ago) repeat your intention now --- affirm your direction ---- try is unresolved and not inspiring to me.
  • (27 mins ago) Are u pnping right now I don't get it
  • (29 mins ago) If my reply says "doing here" what does that say?
    Are you not following ?? Try is a word I try to avoid. [ yep, I did it. ]
  • (31 mins ago) About u
  • (31 mins ago) Yes I do want to pnp what
  • (31 mins ago) Another variant more expansive. Thre is no such thing as try.

    "No! Try not! Do or do not, there is no try."
  • (33 mins ago) Do you realize that one of the best-known quotes says this:

    Yoda said, 'Do or do not, there is no try.'


    Doing here.
  • (37 mins ago) Trying to pnp you
  • (38 mins ago) Has unlocked his private picture for you.
  • (38 mins ago) hey hey --- whatt's up?
  • (1 hr ago) Has unlocked his private picture for you.
  • (1 hr ago) Heyy
  • (08/24 10:12) Hey want to play with me and that one guy that came over to see me that day

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