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    community [dot ] gruwup [dot] net/04/



    # PNP

    From: Makta Pond
  • (2 mins ago) Msg sent and unread by recipient
    To Understand the reference OBLIVION to this -- My words to you - of best intentions real -- as each word literally placed in this conversation - was not read to be respected to build peace forward intentions - and they were placed to the oblivion by you Mr. Hull at first glance disregarded - ignored. That is insulting to the purpose to which these words are truly placed into this conversation - to build reconciliation real -- to build understanding real. You are not being real here to the normal flow of conversation. I am telling you --as now this is going to be archived -- so will the world see the same conclusive elements here of definition.

    Where is your truth if you cannot have a conversation flow standard to not be non-responsive to the actual word placed to your reply -- as you are actually not a dumb ass robot -- for you are man whom I know I have personally in real time world spaces invited here and have shared time to meet. Don't get too confused by rationalism on to this conversation. Because logically is holds itself true and your words defined here fail your classification of character as being good. I did not accuse at this point beyond that non-good.

    You may also realize the actors involved in the car theft --- to later events are documented as well.

    meme [dot] gruwup [not ] net [slash] #Kramobone-The.Good [slash] #Sammie.Lee.Francher [slash]
    auto redirects to #Kramobone-The.Bad

    This is the RECOMBIANT MEMETICS science that is perhaps the part of things you might not understand -- out of the normalcy of thing in our world -- but this is really the science happening here of information theory.

    I pretty already can guarantee you know Bobby Gorton, his cousin hit me in the face future foward the car theft event... that is documented here:

    awesomekramoboneplayroom [dot] - [slash] BlogTalkRadio [slash ] Respecting this space --- when DEE decides to take HANDS in VIOLENCE @215a [dot] htm
  • (27 mins ago) You respond to my first message on this site -- non-responsive -- like a dumb ass robot. I am asking you to this be wiser than we were in community.

    This is what I said to you: Does not accuse you -- it says literally this:

    Please share this truth about me -- it would [be ] part of reconciliation efforts you can indeed proof of yourself and your character to the events that happened in January. Thank you.
  • (29 mins ago) This CONVERSATION [ as adam4adam is not a https secure site and never ways ] allows to be web copied and archived externally -- this is here:

    fuckeduphuman [dot ] net [slash] [WebDomains] [slash] adam4adam [dot ] com [slash] mixedkattraw [slash] OneMoreTime-WhatIsWrongWithThisConversation-Oblivion [dot ] htm

    This conversation contains your real name. If I knew you current number, I would include it too. You old number on record here is:

    Bryan Hull {CraigsList} (720) 469-3997 -

  • (31 mins ago) I have no time to argue about what
    Has happened in the past but I did say I was innocent and that you would realize this
  • (33 mins ago) Well i actually did go read what you wrote so now that the truth is out there and I had nothing to do with any of it what do you want from me ?
  • (41 mins ago) AGAIN I CALL -- One More Time - What is wrong with this conversation?

    Because what is apart to me in the words shared through adam4adam here to you Mr Bryan Hull, you cannot be trusted to the reading of conversations here that if you were a VIP member, Adam4dam on their own FAQ say conversations are 200 messages in cumulative complete. That is a conversation established definition here on adam4adam. As you are aware each message is 2000 character --- that is a conversation.

    Do you want to have 2016 actual conversation? I do not see anything in this conversation to make it sensibler that you are a real person of character and integrity to the events that happened in January.

    I see no reason not to also include this conversation of today to:

    fuckeduphuman [dot] net [slash] [WebDomains] [slash] adam4adam [dot] com [slash] mixedkattraw [slash]

    and then also take this conversation and with VOXDOX make it SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE to why you have no common sense to receive the messages that you are sent via adamadam and read it like a man and respond like man. You are childish in this behavior setting yourself into here.
  • (56 mins ago) adam4adam -- as you are well aware - does not pass links.
    this is a link

    community [dot] gruwup [dot] net/06/
  • (59 mins ago) I didn't get any link sir either way I'm not sure what u want from me as I have been trying to tell you that I never stole ur vehicle and even had proof to backup my statements
  • (1 hr ago) I did not say "hi" -- I shared something beyond "hi" -- your ignorance in the response you just gave me tells me you did not read it whether or not you follow up on it. You did not read what I just sent to you

    I am at the real world actually a peace builder -- with all that you know of me -- you know my space is defined in this way.

    try opening and listening [ spoken voice text narrative ] /. reading LinkedIn Post from this shortcut : in reference to #BlackLivesMatter

    community [dot] gruwup [dot] net/06/

    @Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding : Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo [ From African Akan Adkinkra Symbolism Wisdom ] is missing in our modern world of information technologies.
  • (1 hr ago) Ok well thanks for saying hi
  • (1 hr ago) Mr Brian Hull

    I am at the real world actually a peace builder -- with all that you know of me -- you know my space is defined in this way.

    try opening and listening [ spoken voice text narrative ] /. reading LinkedIn Post from this shortcut : in reference to #BlackLivesMatter

    community [dot] gruwup [dot] net/06/

    @Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding : Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo [ From African Akan Adkinkra Symbolism Wisdom ] is missing in our modern world of information technologies.
    Please share this truth about me -- it would part of reconciliation efforts you can indeed proof of yourself and your character to the events that happened in January. Thank you.

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